Ministry of Health Speech in WHO (World TB Day Commemoration )

Ministry of Health Speech in WHO (World TB Day Commemoration )

“Menteri Kesehatan Indonesia, Budi G. Sadikin memberikan pidato dalam acara Hari TB Sedunia menyatakan bahwa Indonesja akan terus berkomitmen untuk penanggulangan TBC dan fokus dalam kegiatan promotif, preventive dengan tetap memperhatikan aspek kuratif. Acara ini juga dihadiri oleh Ditektur General WHO, dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus”

“Minister of Health Indonesia, Budi G. Sadikin stated in the speech of the commemoration of World TB Day with WHO that Indonesia will have full commitment in the fight against TB and focusing on promotive and preventive as long as the curative action to ending TB in country.”

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